Cutting Corners In Product Testing Can Lead To Serious Issues

Electronics engineer troubleshooting defects in a hardware product

Every day we read about a product that is having problems.  Some are recalled, some taken off the market and some remain in the marketplace and cause problems well into…..

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Construction Site Falls Are A Leading Cause Of Worker Fatalities: How To Prevent Them

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) of the U.S. Department of Labor is a Federal agency responsible for collecting and analyzing many aspects of the labor market, including incidents of…..

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How Current Issues In The Auto Industry Are Impacting Driver Safety

Car crash dangerous accident on the road.

Several years ago, the automotive world was been gripped by the news that Volkswagen installed special software in its vehicles equipped with allegedly clean diesel engines to defeat pollution and…..

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Brake Failure Claims Investigation

Disc brake Pic - Brake Failure

In accident reconstruction cases where there is a claimed brake failure, ARCCA can help. One of our experts recently had the opportunity to investigate a case where a driver claimed…..

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For Your Child’s Safety, Remove Those Bulky Winter Coats While Riding In A Vehicle

Winter Coats Pic - bulky coats degrade the crash protection

Now that the cold winter weather is finally upon us, keep in mind that large bulky coats on children significantly degrade the crash protection provided by child car seats and…..

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Stay Safe While Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

Treadmill Pic - fitness, exercise, or sports injury

In the United States, the number one New Year’s resolution continues to be losing weight, followed by quitting smoking and/or drinking.  Statistics have shown that roughly 50% will make a…..

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Batteries: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

mobile phone battery caught on fire

Several years ago, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 became notorious after allegedly causing fires and was even restricted on planes (no charging or powering on). These incidents resulted in the…..

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Using Biomechanics To Solve An Elopement Mystery

Emergency exit with floor.

A gentleman, age 88, was admitted to an elderly care facility. His family was informed that the facility had in place a system that alerts staff when a resident attempts…..

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Some Potential Hazards To Consider Before Using A Bungee Cord

bungee cord

Bungee cords in modern form (hook, elastic cord or strap) fulfill the timeless need to secure or tie down loose objects.

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