Luis Vargas, Ph.D.


550 West Van Buren Street, Suite 1460
Chicago, Illinois 60607

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Dr. Vargas is a Senior Biomechanist at ARCCA. He has over six years of experience working in and collaborating with various biomedical research laboratories dedicated to assessing and improving the body’s response to physical and neurological injuries. His research experience has involved evaluating the kinematics of human movement, developing novel techniques and devices aimed at overcoming neurological deficiencies, and performing human subject testing with various clinical populations. He has gained a solid background in engineering, physics, and anatomy through his research and coursework.

Dr. Vargas is skilled in design, data acquisition/analysis, and has published his work in several journals and presented at various international conferences. While at ARCCA, Dr. Vargas utilizes these skills to assist in research-based projects and evaluations aimed at quantifying the severity and impact mechanics of vehicular collisions, slip/trip and fall events, and other unique loading scenarios. These evaluations are achieved through the understanding of an individual’s personal response to an event and the associated injury mechanisms in order to uncover incident severity and injury causation.

Some of his professional affiliations are the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Society of Neuroscience (SfN), IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE).


  • D. in Biomedical Engineering, The Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and North Carolina State University, December 2021
    • Research Area: Rehabilitation Engineering
    • Dissertation Title: A Closed-Loop Investigation for Dexterous Control of a Prosthetic Hand
  • Graduate Certificate in Business Fundamentals, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, December 2020
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, May 2017
    • Concentration in Biomedical Engineering
    • Minors in Mathematics and Psychology



  • Injury Causation Biomechanics
  • Vehicle Dynamics Analysis
  • Vehicular Accident Reconstruction
  • Scientific Testing Design, Setup, and Execution
  • Human Kinematic Analysis and Testing
  • Human Injury Tolerance & Failure Analysis
  • EDR (Black Box) Imaging and Analysis
  • Neuromuscular Disorder Investigations
  • Neural Prostheses Design
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