ARCCA’s team of experts is experienced in handling complex commercial vehicle collisions, such as those involving trucks, fire trucks, buses, school buses, ambulances, etc. Often, ARCCA’s accident reconstruction, crashworthiness and biomechanical experts will collaborate to investigate and analyze the facts to determine what happened.

For example, in the bus accident pictured above, an ARCCA crashworthiness engineer relied on the accident reconstructionist’s acceleration profile and PDOF (Principle Direction of Force) when investigating the occupant protection system. An ARCCA biomechanical engineer then used both findings to determine the mechanism of injury regarding the occupants.

Our bus accident reconstruction team is available to assist you with your bus accident case or claim and can also conduct 3D laser scans of the accident site for analysis and subsequent computer animation visuals.   They can also provide expert reports, testimony and demonstrative evidence or visuals (animations) for trial.

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