Accident Reconstruction Animations

When accidents occur, we utilize the latest in 3D technology to digitally preserve and visually illustrate the physical evidence obtained at crash sites. Using black box data, evidence, and testimony, we can also simulate and represent vehicle kinematics. We are experienced in a wide variety of accident situations, including accurate depictions of impaired visibility such as fog and low light conditions. We believe that visually demonstrating key factors to a jury in an automotive incident, such as timing, speed, and line of sight, can bring the accident report to life and provide a much clearer and convincing depiction of the incident.

Biomechanical Animation

Our team also works directly with ARCCA’s biomechanical experts to accurately capture the human body’s response to kinematics, motion, and force during an injury by creating scientific 2D and 3D visual aids to support our clients’ cases. Slips, falls, and other types of incidents can be animated using proven biomechanical methods. There can be significant variations in how a person moves, but working digitally allows us to quickly create visuals to illustrate a number of probable scenarios when an incident occurs.