Have A Slip, Trip, Or Fall Case That Occurred In A Store, Restaurant Or Hotel?

Dr. Tamara Cohen
Don’t miss the presentation by Dr. Tamara Cohen, Senior Biomechanist and ARCCA consultant, who is an expert in slip/trip/fall cases. She will be presenting at CLM’s Retail, Restaurant & Hospitality Conference:
Thursday, Feb. 7th, at 2:30pm
“How to Manage a Slip/Trip/Fall Case in a Retail, Restaurant or Hospitality Environment”
Gaylord Texan Resort Hotel – Grapevine, Texas
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) over one million Americans suffer a slip, trip, and fall injury every year. 65% of those fall-related injuries occur as a result of falls from same-level walking surfaces, and the services, wholesale, and retail trade industries together accounted for over 60% of injuries that resulted from same level falls.
Dr. Cohen is experienced in evaluating all types of slip/trip/fall incidents, including slip resistance testing of walkway surfaces, analyzing ingress/egress issues, and performing analyses of building codes with personal injuries and premises liability.
TAMARA COHEN, Ph.D., is a Senior Biomechanist who applies the principles of human factors and biomechanics to the anatomy and physiology of the human body to explore the cause, nature, and severity of injuries.