A well-designed helmet can be an athlete’s best protection against head and brain injuries. The helmet’s mechanical response during an impact is directly affected by its design. More importantly, the performance of a helmet has direct correlation to the brain’s response and ultimate injury potential. Brain injuries have many different characteristics and a variety of specific injury mechanisms. The ARCCA sports biomechanics division understands these injury mechanisms as well as current helmet standards and designs. This expertise enables thorough scientific evaluations of helmets used across the sporting world to understand their strengths and weaknesses and optimize their performance.

  • Linear pneumatic impactor
  • NOCSAE drop tower
  • Inertial monitoring units (IMUs)
  • High-speed cameras
  • High-speed pressure mapping technology
  • Instrumented anthropomorphic test devices (ATD)
  • Nine accelerometer array ATD head (NAAH)
  • Data acquisition
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