To support our research & development and legal test efforts, ARCCA maintains many types of advanced data acquisition equipment and associated instrumentation, such as load cells, accelerometers, speed measuring equipment, displacement transducers, and high-speed video cameras, as well as a complement of anthropomorphic test devices. Our crashworthiness engineers are skilled at conducting a variety of tests, including full-scale dynamic crash testing, sled testing, drop testing and static and quasi static testing, and all of our test fixtures, as well as prototypes, are built in-house by our highly skilled fabricators.

ARCCA’s engineers have many years of experience with full-scale vehicle testing and component level testing. The most common test types in crashworthiness cases are: full vehicle crash testing, horizontal accelerator testing and structural push/pull testing. In addition, we also conduct biomechanical testing, which is closely related to crashworthiness, since such testing studies the types and causes of human injury.

We Design and Build Our Own Test Fixtures

ARCCA’s long history of performing its own testing and evaluation has led to a strong in-house fabrication capability. We design and build custom test fixtures to fit any specialized testing requirement. For example, traumatic brain injury tolerance evaluation and research requires customized test fixtures and instrumentation for the analysis of linear head impact, as well as the rotational acceleration forces applied to the brain.   Advanced test equipment is also necessary in the research, evaluation and analysis of diffuse brain injury. Some of the other test fixtures we’ve developed include mine blast simulation facilities, linear impact fixtures and cannons dedicated to the investigation of injuries incurred by hockey players from hockey puck impacts. Similarly, our growth in bicycle accident investigation has resulted in custom test fixtures uniquely designed for the evaluation of bicycles under both static and dynamic conditions.

3-D Laser Scan Testing

ARCCA also uses advanced tools for data acquisition and testing, such as 3-D laser scanners, for the documentation and the precise measurement of both people and protective equipment.

Occupant Protection System Testing

ARCCA experts have been testing occupant protection systems, ejection seats, crashworthy seating systems, and restraint systems, such as seatbelts, harnesses and airbags, since the 1970’s. During early testing, our engineers participated in live subject crash testing for advanced programs with the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Today, these same experts are continually performing advanced research and testing in these areas and are considered the nation’s premier experts in seat belt and airbag restraint systems.

Vehicle Rollover Testing

Investigating vehicle rollovers can be complex. Often, experts in crashworthiness, biomechanics and accident reconstruction are required, and they must be experienced and have access to the proper testing equipment in order to accurately determine how or why the rollover occurred and what caused any injuries. ARCCA maintains static rollover fixtures specifically for the study of human motion or kinematics during complex rollover incidents. Full vehicles, ATV’s, UTV’s and test bucks are readily accommodated.

Lithium Ion Battery Testing

Another area that has seen significant growth in the testing area is the analysis of lithium ion battery fires in many applications. Unique test fixtures are required and have been fabricated by our experts for this type of analysis.

Specialized Testing

Some of the research activities for which our experts have fabricated specialized testing equipment and performed testing include:

  • Life-saving devices in automobiles and automobile safety components such as seats, seat belts, airbags, etc.
  • Ambulances and ambulance equipment.
  • Doors, bumpers systems, seats, mirrors, wheels/suspension components
  • Child safety equipment, such as child safety seats.
  • Aircraft safety equipment for both aircraft and ground support
  • Construction equipment
  • Bicycles and related equipment
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Sports and athletic equipment
  • Military equipment
  • Heavy truck equipment
  • Firefighter equipment
  • Industrial machinery
  • Consumer products
  • Mechanical devices
  • Oxygen equipment
  • Slip and fall evaluation and testing
  • Basic strength and stability testing
  • Marine and boating equipment
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